We have always been here.

We have always been here.

You see thousands of years ago in ancient Messotamia, the priesthood of Innana was made up of transgender priests, and the very first human author, Enhdeunna, whenever the very first time a story was put onto tablets with symbols was written about that priesthood. Transgender people are part of the DNA of what it means to be human.

We have always been here.

Fast forward 2000 years, the Empress Elagabalis, a transgender Roman Empress that you never hear about in the history books, demanded that she be referred to as herself, she went by the title of Queen.

We have always been here.

Fast forward 2000 more years, Lucy Andeerson, a black transgender woman in 1890 transitioned as a kid, she became the best known cook and socialite in her town in California and when ever she was arrested and they found out her assigned sex at birth, all the townspeople gathered up and demanded that she be released because they had a feast to throw that night.

We have always been here.
