Why friends are important in your life.

So, I have been absent from this blog for a while, and also stopped doing the community news for TransRadio UK for a few months as well. Here is why.

Recently a lot of transphobia has been hitting my Twitter Feed and Facebook DM’s. Also the Labour Party, well the leader of the Labour Party in particular, has also been eating at my mental health with his comments about Transgender Women. Then the World Athletics Body banned Trans Women from sports and the Uganda anti LGBT law, not mentioning whats going on in America.

Then to top it all off, the Balkans, where some of the incidents where I got my PTSD from, has been in the news about flaring tensions so that hasn’t helped at all.

In summary, my mental health has taken a battering since the new year, so I have decided to take a break. In fact, I have come off Twitter and Facebook all together. I only now have Facebook Messenger and Instagram.

I have been like this for about 2 weeks now, and to be honest, its the best thing I have ever done for myself. I can feel how my mental health is improving day by day. I still read the news, so keep up with events, just not without all the transphobia that goes with it. IT IS LIBERATING.

To top it all off, yesterday I went to the doctors as my Gender Dysphoria has been getting worse and I am at least 18 months away from getting my first appointment at the Gender Clinic. I asked the doc for a “Bridging Prescription” of HRT until I can get the appointment. She said she is not against the idea, but needs to speak to a Gender Specialist, which she will do and get back to me either this week or next, so I could soon me on HRT.

This news alone, plus the support of my friends has been immense to me. I know my friends read this so to all of you, THANK YOU.

If it was not for my group of friends seriously I don’t think I would be here today. About a week ago I was thinking of ending it all, but they pulled me out of my cloud of despair.

So what can you take from this post. FRIENDS ARE IMPORTANT. Once again by beautiful people, thank you for saving my life even though you didn’t realise you did.
