All it takes in one person to make you feel special.

Recently I have been thinking about what I am after in a partner. I do know I like to be physical in public, not dirty but things like holding hands, kissing etc. What else would I like though?

The other problem I have is being transgender. For most people, especially men, as soon as they find out I am transgender change their attitude towards me. It usually goes in 2 ways. Either they think I am some kind of sexual experiment, which I am not, or they get turned off, which is fine, though this does hurt as I am the same person as I was before they found out. Nowerdays to stop the last I just straight up say I am transgender.

BUT there is one person, who will always be a friend and nothing more, who treats me with respect, treats me like the woman I am and is always kind to me. It's little things like offering to come with me when he knows I am stressed with my PTSD, always opening doors, always complimenting me on the latest outfit I show in the group chat I am part off.

This man is also part of the "special group of friends" I have. The group I have mentioned before when we saved a young trans man from jumping off a bridge. I know he reads these, so I would like to say to him, THANK YOU.

Thanks to this special friend, I let other comments slide. Thanks to this special friend, I don't try to chop off parts of my body when my Gender Dysphoria kicks in. Why? He makes me feel special. Everyone needs a friend like that.

Now some of you might be asking why I said we will always be friends but nothing more? Well 3 reasons. He is only just about older than one of my nieces, who is 21 and hes gay. But by far the most important reason is he is a special friend, just like the rest of the group.
