
Showing posts from February, 2023

ILGA Annual report on LGBT Rights across europe.

The IGLA Has published its annual report on LGBT rights in Europe. Below is the UK part of the report. Here is a link to the full report , its worth a read. ASYLUM Civil society launched the #NoPrideInDetention campaign, calling for an end to the detention of LGBTQI+ people. In April, the UK government announced plans to process asylum claims and set up reception centres in Rwanda, which LGBTQI+ asylum support groups highlighted could be a detrimental move for LGBTQI+ asylum seekers. BIAS-MOTIVATED SPEECH Anti-trans rhetoric continued to cause serious damage in the UK again this year, with continued hostile reporting in mainstream newspapers. Mermaids for instance was at the centre of some of these attacks (see under Human rights Defenders). Two trans journalists pulled out of working with the Guardian’s coverage on Pride, due to its transphobic articles and posts online. Politicians also continued the crackdown on trans rights. Former PM Boris Johnson announced that trans people would

Gallop Report on 'Conversion Therapy" 2023

Yesterday I got the report that MP’s got from Galop on so called “conversion therapy”. I am going to break this post down into 2 parts. The first one is the key findings of the report, the second one is some harrowing stories that are included in the report. I would warn you that the second part can be upsetting, I cried when I wrote some of it and had to stop at 20. There are many more in the report. I would like to thank my MP for giving me this report, you can also view the report at Key Findings Nearly 1 in 5 (18%) LGBT+ people in the UK have been subjected to someone trying to change, ‘sure’ or suppress their sexual orientation or gender identity. Trans (43%) and non-binary people (36%) are significantly more likely to be subjected to conversion practices LGBT+ conversion practice survivors reside in all areas of the UK, with the highest proportion of survivors found in Wales

All it takes in one person to make you feel special.

Recently I have been thinking about what I am after in a partner. I do know I like to be physical in public, not dirty but things like holding hands, kissing etc. What else would I like though? The other problem I have is being transgender. For most people, especially men, as soon as they find out I am transgender change their attitude towards me. It usually goes in 2 ways. Either they think I am some kind of sexual experiment, which I am not, or they get turned off, which is fine, though this does hurt as I am the same person as I was before they found out. Nowerdays to stop the last I just straight up say I am transgender. BUT there is one person, who will always be a friend and nothing more, who treats me with respect, treats me like the woman I am and is always kind to me. It's little things like offering to come with me when he knows I am stressed with my PTSD, always opening doors, always complimenting me on the latest outfit I show in the group chat I am part off. This man i