Sajid Javid is doing his best to stop the NHS treating Trans Kids.
The health secretary, Sajid Javid, has compared transgender healthcare to the cover up of Rotherham Sex Gangs.
He has stated that the political fears of transgender healthcare for kids is the same as the cover ups the police made about the Rotherham grooming gangs. Not only this, he is also threatening to change the law regarding GDPR that protect the health records of Trans Kids.
I'm sorry but "Political Sensitivities" have nothing to do with Gender Dysphoria. He has no clue what kids go through. I do, I have been through it.
At times I wanted to kill myself, do self harm and all the rest. It was only thanks to joining the Army that I am alive today. Thanks to the Conservative Government of the day and their stupid "Section 28" law that banned LGBTQAI+ in school's I had no clue what it was I was suffering from. I was also brought up in a religious family so I couldn't discuss this with them as it was against the teaching of the Bible.
All this will do is put kids in the same shoes as what I was in. Scared to come out. Scared to learn what they are, who they are and put their lives on the line and on hold. Make them go through puberty, which is irreversible unlike when they use puberty blockers to delay it while the professionals make certain that the kids are in fact trans kids.
Puberty blockers have been used on kids for a long time to treat a condition called "Precocious Puberty" when kids as young as 5 go through puberty. They delay it until their bodies are ready to go through it.
Doctors have mountains of data regarding puberty blockers in children thanks to this. They are safe to use. Every medical board in the UK also says they are safe to use. Yet the Health Secretary, who has no medical training in this field, says different. I know who I would trust.
Today I am lucky, I have friends who support me, my sister supports me and I live in a Town that is not transphobic as a lot of towns in this country. I would hate to be a trans kid today.
Link to the Article about Sajid Javid.
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