Cross Dressers and Transgender People, What the difference?

 When I go into town, as a Transgender Woman I obviously go out dressed as a woman, as that is what I am. I have been asked a few times Why are you dressed like that, are you a Cross Dresser. Well here in this post I will discuss what is the main difference between a Cross Dresser and a Transgender person.

Cross Dressers

A cross dresser is someone who wants to dress up as the opposite sex for sexual pleasure and/or comfort in general. Now there are different stages of cross dressers. A lot of them just like to wear women's or men's underwear. Very few people go the full monty and dress fully as a woman/man.

All cross dressers have one thing in common, they DO NOT want to be a woman/man full time. They only dress for sexual pleasure or comfort.

Drag queens generally only dress up as a woman when they are performing an act, but dress as a man otherwise.

Transgender People

Transgender people, which I am one, want to live the opposite gender they was born in, there mind is of the opposite sex. So for me, for 45 years I was pretending to be a man when in my mind I was a woman. Most Transgender people know from a young age something is wrong.

We want to take hormones to change our sex. So for instance I am currently waiting to go to the gender clinic (here in the UK unless you go private can take 3-5 years on the NHS) to get onto HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) where I will start to take Testosterone Blockers (Testosterone is the male hormone) and start on Estrogen Tablets (Estrogen is the female hormone) to start to change my body. Transgender Men do the opposite.


Cross Dressers are not in any way connected to Transgender people. In fact most Transgender people find it offensive then they are called Cross Dressers.
