Lifestyle Changes since coming out as a Trans Woman.

Since coming out as a Trans Woman a few weeks ago I have noticed some changes to the way I look at things now. Here is what I have noticed.

1. Lost interest in Computer Games, and Computers in general. This is a big one for me. I used to be in computers in a big way. In fact I used to be a senior computer tech for a university. I also used to play games a lot, did a YouTube channel all about reviewing technology and gaming and also streamed a lot. Since coming out I hardly play any games, sold my Xbox and a lot of my streaming stuff and my PC is only on for about 1 hour a week now.

2. Going clothes shopping a lot more ... and enjoying it. Before coming out I hated going clothes shopping. In fact I avoided it as much as I could. Now although I have to go clothes shopping as I didn't have any women's clothes I love going there, especially the charity shops, there's so many bargain's to be had ! ! Now I have enough women's clothes that I have given all my old men's clothes away and only wear women's clothes. This will not stop me going to the charity shops every time I go shopping though. Retail Therapy is real ! !

3. A lot calmer. Before coming out I was a short tempered idiot. Since coming out I have not lost my temper once. This morning I put this to the test by playing a few games of World Of Warships on a weekend. Usually this will make me loose my temper (one of the reason why I left the game at one point) but even though I lost the majority of the games thanks to people being potatoes (potatoes is slang for crap players in WoWs, I usually win 50% of the games I play, today I won 2 out of 10) I never lost my temper or wasn't even close at loosing it. I used to slam my mouse down on the desk or slap my keyboard, that didn't even cross my mind.

4. Happier in myself. I am a lot happier in myself and slowly gaining the confidence I knew I had in me but never let out. Now I can easily chat to people where before I was very shy. Now I am more confident in myself. As I stated earlier, I now only wear Women's clothes. While I was nervous at first it is now natural to wear them for me. I have also noticed I am taking better care of myself physically and mentally.

5. Friends. Some of my old friends no longer speak to me, just proves they was not real friends. You will get this when coming out. However I do have a very supportive sister and that's all that matters to me as she is the only family I speak to anyways. I have also found it is easier to make friends now, especially with women. Men seem to treat me as an object but Women seem to be more open minded. Also when getting served in shops, the people who are serving me, most men (there are exception's, one springs to mind was when I went into a coffee shop, after speaking to him he gave me a free coffee for having the guts to come out) treat me with disgusted looks but Women like to talk to me.

6. My Sexuality has changed. I know why this has happened. I am now not interested in men one little bit. The reason why is they just treated me as a sex object. They don't seem to realise that Trans People have feelings and desirers. I am now a Lesbian thanks to that. Sorry men, but change your attitude towards Trans Women, we are not objects of your fantasies.
